Cultura Study Group

A blog for CI Uberlandia teachers. This is a space where we can share material from TTCs, tutorials and interesting sites we can use in class.

A SUMMARY OF THE ARTICLE "Teaching Grammar" by Larsen-Freeman.

To watch this presentation, FIRST click on the audio and THEN click to change the slides.

The original article can be found in the book "Teaching English as a foreign language" by Mariane Celce Murcia.


Great ppt presentation!! I really liked the summary thank you for sharing!!


Great insights! Worth reading. I have the book mentioned. It is an excellet resource for teachers.

Danubia Bull


I'm still trying to insert the audio, don't give up. I'm glad you liked it.


Dear Ana, congratulations on this pps presentation. Your blogs are really worth visiting! I usually take some ideas from them.


Thank you so much for your kind words Nelba. Now the audio is finally working!


Reading this article and listening to this audio greatly enhances my knowldegde and my own teaching experience......!!!!

Txs a lot

Claudia Borges