Cultura Study Group

A blog for CI Uberlandia teachers. This is a space where we can share material from TTCs, tutorials and interesting sites we can use in class.

A New Way to Publish - Palestra online

This video is an explanation of what Web 2.0 is, a look at how it benefits children, a closer look at blogs and wikis and tips on how to get started. The lecturer talks about:
  • What does Web 2.0 mean?
  • How does it benefil teaching and learning?
  • How do blogs and wikis work?
  • How do you get started with Web 2.0?

Watch and learn!

Students today

Have you ever wondered how hard you should try to get to know the digital world? I know many teachers are actually afraid of dealing with computers, afraid of trying, not willing to spend their time learning about this new world? I guess after watching this video, teachers will give it a second thought. How can we help the "digital natives" take advantage of what there is available to become more creative, to be themselves and learn their own way?

Fabiana´s Farewell Party

Last night, we said our farewells to Fabiana Bridi who is moving to Australia for a year. We´re all very happy she will be able to fulfill her dream of living abroad and study more. Luiz was our host and as always we had lots of wonderful things to eat and drink. Renato, Angela´s husband played the guitar and Angela showed us her beautiful voice. Rafael, Fabiana´s sweetheart, made all of us cry when he literally gave Fabiana his heart. What a great get together!

Fabiana, we all wish you great moments in Australia and keep us informed in your blog and twitter about your new adventure.

Fabiana´s blog

Fabiana, click on the music icon and listen to the song. As it says, you´re stuck to our heart like a tatoo.